Embryo Donation

Embryo Donation

Embryo Donation Treatment (Egg and Sperm Donation)

Both egg and sperm cell is needed in order to achieve successful result in IVF treatment. Embryo donation treatment is applied if for any reason there are neither egg cells nor sperm cells. Embryo donation can be applied on married couples as well as single females.

In the treatment, the donor is determined in accordance with the physical characteristics of the future mother and the egg donation is made. For the man, the bank sperm with the desired physical characteristics is preferred.

Along with this treatment, the patients can also request gender selection and predetermine their baby’s gender with PGT. Embryo donation can be considered as a combination of egg donation and sperm donation treatments.

In the IVF treatments that are made with embryo donation, the pregnancy success rate is usually 70-80%. The post-treatment pregnancy is the same with the normal pregnancy. The probability of the pregnancy with abortive outcome is the same frequency with the normal pregnancies.

Future Mother’s Preparation in Embryo Donation Treatment

All necessary routine tests are asked from the future mother before starting embryo donation treatment. The pretreatment starts if the results are okay. In the pretreatment, the future mother is given the medication for the uterus preparation before embryo transfer. This takes about 12-18 days. The patient is having the prescribed medications and is located in her own country during this period. After the completion of the necessary pretreatment, the patient’s trip to Cyprus is planned and arranged. The process usually takes 2-3 days in Cyprus.

Tests asked from the Future Mother:

1. FSH, LH, E2 and PRL (To be made on the 2nd or 3rd day of the menstrual bleeding)

2. TSH, T3, T4 tests

3. Complete Blood Count

4. Fasting Blood Glucose

5. Urea, SGOT, SGPT


7. Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D

8. Blood Group Analysis

9. HbsAg, Anti-HBc total, Anti-HCV, HIV, VDRL

10. Pelvic Ultrasound Report, (USG or HSG)

Information asked from the Future Mother:

1. Last date of menstrual period (first day)

2. Photo to determine donor based on your physical characteristics,

3. The decision for the treatment period

Tests asked from the Future Father:

1. TESE or Micro-TESE Report if previously had

2. Blood Group Analysis

3. FSH, LH hormone analyses

4. Photo of the future father is requested for bank sperm selection suitable for the treatment.

Treatment Process in Cyprus

Upon the completion of the pretreatment, the embryo transfer prepared for the patient is made and the patient’s treatment is completed. Only 2-3 days are needed in Cyprus for this process. The process is quite simple, easy and successful.

Process Following the Treatment

In embryo donation, Bchg hormone analysis is requested 12 days after the embryo transfer made. Sexual intercourse and heavy duty are forbidden in this 12-day waiting period. If the test is positive, the medications are continued and the pregnancy is followed. If the pregnancy test is negative, the medications are quitted and we will be waiting for the menstrual cycle to start.

Vitrification (Embryo Freezing) in Embryo Donation Treatment

The decision to freeze the remaining embryos is quite an important step for your treatment. Among the remaining embryos, those with good quality can be frozen by vitrification technique to be used in case of possible failure in treatment or if you want a full sibling for your baby in the future. Thanks to embryo freezing (cryopreservation) you have the chance to have a full sibling for your baby in the future.

Moreover, in case the pregnancy does not occur or result in abortive outcome, there will be price advantage thanks to the use of frozen embryo. No additional payment is requested for the freezing process.

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